My name is Brenda I am a clinical Hypnotherapist/Hypnobirthing teacher and a practicing HSE Community Midwife with over 20 years of international birthing experience and now based in Co Laois.
But first congratulations on your pregnancy!
So my mission is to empower you with knowledge and tools; to ignite confidence in you to create the dream birth experience you want and deserve.. I specialise in 'Hypnobirthing
and Mindfulness' classes' as part of a comprehensive
antenatal education programme
to keep you updated (with the evidence!), informed, and inspired, but that will also resonate with your own intuitive knowing to prepare for your most transformative life experience...... your birth; that you can look back on with pride and warmth.
- Your birth story starts in your mind so lets make it extraordinary! I will teach you how to change the way you view birth, to trust your own authority, power and intuition, to deeply ground yourself and to embody your birth. I will teach you to become more consciously aware of tapping into your own bodily rhythms with the aim of reducing the volume of sensation around birth.
- I will guide you to use your mind, body and spirit to stay focussed and in control, to draw on creative visualisations and effective breathwork, to get into that 'flow birth state' that can facilitate great ease in your body during labour (i.e whilst understanding fetal optimum positioning, bio mechanics/muscles and fascia! ).
- Understanding fear releasing to replace anxiety with confidence. Developing effective coping strategies to reframe the birth that you want through Hypnosis no matter what way baby presents; Medical pain relief options are covered as well to allow you to make informed decisions that align with your birth preferences
- I want you to be excited and confident about your upcoming birth seeing it as a 'magical time' a celebration of life and love! Your pregnancy is truly a transformational journey of creation and growth.
And your baby is preparing too!
-I cover everything for your birth preparation whether it is a hospital birth, an induction, a homebirth, a VBAC or a caesarian section.
-I offer in person and sometimes online classes. There is also a free winnerflow and demo with every deluxe Hypnobirthing course booking.
-Thanks so much for coming on here. If there is anything you don't see please get in touch and we can chat about it.
Wishing you so much joy in mind,body and spirit
Brenda xx
The most popular!
Consists of
Refresher class offered at end of your pregnancy.
Costs may be claimed back through your health insurance.
Please check your individual policy.
See list of classes available
Consists of
Consists of
Next Class date - Contact Brenda
Costs may be claimed back through your health insurance.
Please check your individual policy.
These classes are already a major part of the main Hypnobirthing antenatal preparation programme.
However there are seperate Mindfulness classes and these have finished now for the Summer. These classes run over 4 weeks.
These can be an amazing experience for you and your baby and can be taken at any part of your pregnancy..or after xx